Fly Over Shot of Westover AFB

Squadron Bulletin Board

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To check Squadron Bulletins and Orders
Look under "Items Of Interest" below.

25 March 1959:

Following named airman, 814th APRON, this station, (SAC),
having completed OJT-Upgrade from PAFSC 77130, are awarded PAFC 77150. Control AFSC is changed from 77130 to 77150. No change in duty AFSC 77150. AFSC will be deleted from records. (AUTH: Para 15e and 31, AFM 35-1.) Read the orders -

December 9, 2010

Bill Allen is trying to get information about an incident which he has reason to understand took place between 1964 and 1966 involving a KC-97 aircraft and a ground crew member who was pre-flighting the aircraft when he inadvertently backed into the propeller killing him instantly. Bill is hoping to jog the memories of the members to see if they could help him with this. All Bill needs is confirmation that the incident took place. He does not need any personal information about the incident.
Thanks for any help you can provide on this.

Alan Hayes
Web master
email address:

December 7, 2010

I believe that the Veterans listing of those that honorably served in any of the Security Squadrons protecting Westover AFB prior to its deactivation, and has sent in their information, is now up to date. In the event I have missed anyone please contact me by e-mail with the particulars and I will do my best to get the information posted as soon as I can. Reminder!, for those that have answered the questionare but have yet to send in a photo please concider doing so.

November 1, 2010

I would like to say thank you to all that have called and expressed their well wishes. I am now feeling much better and it is my intention to get caught up as soon as possible. Look for new members and their photos they will be up soon!

September 27, 2010

Anyone who has checked the site could have noticed that there has been a lack of activity posted for this month (September 2010). It's not because there hasn't been Westover CDS veterans sending in their information. It is because your webmaster (me) has had a run of ill health and lets leave it at that. I will do my best to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible but don't hold your breath.

July 28, 2010

Anthony (Tony) Frisco 814th CDS 1958 to 1962 is trying to either locate a Sgt. Segan (sp?) or any news regarding him. Tony served with Sgt. Segan (sp?) from 1958 to when Tony was transferred out of Base Police in 1961. Anyone with information regarding this please contact Tony at his home address which is: 100 Springdale Road, A3, Cherry Hill NJ 08003 or email him at click [here]

May 5, 2010

More information on the 814th CDS being recognized as the best Combat Defense Squadron in SAC, November 19th 1964.

On May 5th 2010 I received a response from the Air Force Historical Research Agency regarding my request to ascertain if they have any records regarding the receipt of a request from the 814th requesting the Squadron be considered for a OUC (Outstanding Unit Citation) based upon the Squadron being recognizes as the best Combat Defense Squadron in SAC. If you read the memorandum associated with the naming of the Squadron by the Squadron Commander the last few lines of his memo states that he had directed the squadron to begin the paper work on requesting a OCU. My inquiry to the Air Force Historical Research Agency was to determine if they had received any such request and if they did, why was it turned down. The response, after 7 months of waiting was short and sweet. I quote in part ..... "Unfortunately, no evidence of a package being submitted for the 814th CDS to receive the OUC can be found in our archive......"

I wish I had better news.

December 27, 2009

The website has had a request to assist in locating Donald Keach. Don was a member of the 814th CDS in the 1962-63 time frame. Don was one of the 814th members that were billeted out in the Stony Brook barracks. The last information the site administrator has was that Don Keach was still in the Springfield area in 1964. A new member to the site Ronald (Ron) L. Guerette has ask for assistance in locating Donald Keach. If anyone has information regarding Don's whereabouts or how to contact him please contact the site administrator by email, just click

November 1, 2009

Members and visitors to the site will notice on the home page that on November 19th 1964 the 814th CDS was recognized as the best Combat Defense Squadron in SAC. It would be very helpful if any visitor or, member of the 814th CDS at the time of SAC's recognition, has any information and/or documentation if this event authorized the issuance of a ribbon or citation. The USAF Office of Heraldry does not provide any data on this event. In the event you can provide information on this please contact the site administrator Here

April 2009


      I wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kind words and wishes for a speedy and healthy recovery from the surgery I had back in February. My estimate as to how long I would be away from the site was just slightly optimistic. It has been closer to two to three months not two to three weeks. In any event, I have been cleared by the medical folks to spend some much needed time at the computer getting caught up on what’s been going on. We have received messages from four past members and they will be added to the members list as soon as I can find and gather the information they sent in. Lets all say ciao to: Robert M. Riggs, Jack Havranek, William H. Mueller and Thomas R. Euker. I’ll get them up as soon as I can on the listing of past members who have found the site and sent in their information.

A reminder to all folks who said they would look around for photos, Squadron memos, duty rosters and pertinent information. My computer is working again, my email is working I’m sitting her waiting, so lets get with it.

February 2009


      As most of you know, this site is a one person operation. Unfortunately this one person will be going in for surgery on Tuesday February 3rd, 2009. I expect to be out of service for about two to three weeks. My wife will keep checking the mail and will let me know when and if something comes up. I fully expect to be back at the computer before the end of the month. Take care, keep looking for those photos, Squadron documents and try to remember where you stashed the duty roster that you took down from the Bulletin Board. See you on the flip side: Your Webmaster, Alan Hayes - USAF Prior Service 1958 - 1962 814th CDS Westover AFB (SAC).

Does anyone have any information on a
Adrew J. Gulic: he was a member of the 814th
CDS from 1963 to 1967. His daughter is seeking
photos of him. He had duty with Frank Burnaky
and Luis A. Doucette Jr. and was a member of
"B" flight. Anything would be helpful. email me here
and I will pass the information along to his daughter.

Items of Interest
For Squadron Members

Each Of The Following Airman Third Class, Organization Indicated,
Is Promoted To The Permanent Grade Of Airman Second Class Effective
This Date With Date Of Rank 1 October 1965. Authority, AFR 39-29
And SAC Supplement 1 Thereto. Posted 1 October 1965 Check Page 1

Check Page 2 [Here]

The 814th Combat Defense Squadron recognized the "Best In SAC" Memo #1
Posted 19 November 1964 Check

The 814th Combat Defense Squadron recognized the "Best In SAC" Memo #2
Posted 28 November 1964 Check

The 814th Combat Defense Squadron recognized the "Best In SAC" Memo #3
Posted 7 December 1964 Check

Page #1 of 4050th APS SOP Number 107 Special Orders For Security Guards.
Posted 18 May 1956 Check

Page #2 of 4050th APS SOP Number 107 (continued) Special Orders For Security Guards.
Posted 18 May 1956 Check

Page #1 of 814th APS SOP Number 61. Special Orders For Flight Line Gates.
Posted 11 March. 1957 Check

Page #2 of 814th APS SOP Number 61 (continued). Special Orders For Flight Line Gates.
Posted 11 March. 1957 Check

814th APS SOP Number 60. Special Orders For Emergency Vehicles Entering Restricted Areas.
Posted 13 March. 1957 Check

Mobility Orders - Required Items. Posted 17 Sep. 1958 Check [Here]

The FNA are Assigned TDY - Posted 9 Nov. 1960. Are you on the list? Check [Here]

Mandatory Test on the handling of Classified Information.
Use a #2 pencil please. Scheduled for 21 Mar. 1961

"C" flight duty roster - Posted 2 Dec. 1965 Check your assigned post [Here]

The FNA are Assigned TDY - Posted 9 Oct. 1966. Are you on the list? Check [Here]

The FNA are Assigned TDY - Posted 13 Sep. 1967. Are you on the list? Check [Here]

Forms forms forms: They got a form for everything. [Here]

The 814th CDS edges out the 17th CDS from Wright-Patterson in a
No-Notice Security Program Test for the best in the 8th Air Force.
